L.Harris 78/77
J.McInnis 76/75, 1379/1377
C.Wilcox 524/503
R.Traylor 912/894
K.Rush 926/916
J.Amaechi 529/498
M.Dunleavy 1391/1370
K.Willis 891/882
J.Jeffries 324/307
M.Ely 54/52
R.White 73/72
O.Oyedeji 159/152
WHI (coachless)
Z.Ilgauskus 82/81
S.Anderson 2064/1818
E.Robinson 1605/1423
R.Slater 156/148
S.Marks 31/23, 421/234
Charles noticed on the playoff boxscores that
Lak’s S.Hunter played in
each of the first 4 games but since Hunter played 33 NBA
games last
season he is only eligible for 3 games per playoff series;
acknowledged the mistake and recognized that the resolution to
issue is to replay game 4 without Hunter since Lak had won
the game
4 with Hunter; in the
meantime Jason/Dak had already played game 5
and that game was also won by Lak so that game will also
need to be
replayed; replays in this specific situation are explicitly
covered in the
Constitution amendment link
on the web page
interest in
returning to the league next season
Playoff teams:
DAK – L.Odom no penalties,
MIL – T.Abdul-Wahad played
216 minutes which is 2 over his 214 allowed,
he is eligible for
only 11 minutes in game 1 of the playoffs
NOR – S.Swift played in 68
games which is 1 over his 67 allowed, he is
Ineligible in the first 2 games of the
joining the league
next season
There were no q4 autoplays needed (other than
team WHI)
joining the league
next season
league next season
Jason/Dak noticed that in daklak52
set in the gpl for 20-24, Ed looked through many of
Lak’s previous games and
found (by the presence of the “fatigue level” column in
the boxscores) that all of
Lak’s q3 games so far were
played without the patch (i.e. with Lak having home
court) but q1 and q2 games were played with the
patch. Rick explained that he
had thought that he had re-applied the patch when he
re-installed the game and
he verified that he has now re-applied the patch after
this issue was brought up.
Charles and Jason took the lead in
investigating further and taking an EC vote
on this issue:
The EC voted the following:
* All affected teams should use home court advantage in their next home
game against
* Unapplied penalties should not be used in the playoffs (6-0 vote).
* Unapplied penalties will be carried over to next year (4-2, with Ed,
Brian, Charles and Dale voting for and Jeff and Jason voting against).
Here are the first 5 home games affected teams have against LAK:
TEM, DAK, and WAL have no home games against LAK in Q4 and will use
home court advantage in their first home game against LAK
in the following
for next season
Jason/Dak noticed yesterday that in game
daklak24 Pierce did not play but
Odom did but in his gpl it
was the other way around; I verified that in daklak24.gpl
Pierce should have played
and Odom should not have and the 3 other games
in which Pierce did not play (days 21-23) they were not
against Lak so there was
no daklak gpl to have been accidentally imported; Rick had
no idea what could
have occurred here.
Dak won the game by a large margin.
The EC voted 4-0 (Jeff, Charles, Dale, and
Ed) that since Dak won the game
no action will be taken by the league other than to not
institute any penalties for
the extra game Odom will have played by the end of the
Replacement coaches will be sought for teams
Whi and Mil for the remainder
of the season with first priority given to anyone who
has already expressed an
interest in joining the league for next season; anyone taking
either team will not
be able to keep the team next season but will be
eligible for this season’s
(see 4/11 entry below) has been offered choice of team
until 5/23 at which time advertising will begin – Jeff has
officially taken over team
Mil through the end of the
Whi second half gpl’s created by Ed except
for whiwal57 created by Charles
ANC receives K.Ollie, VAL #4, and VAL #5
VAL receives B.Sundov and ANC #3
ANC receives C.Maggette, G.Arenas, D.Miles,
R.Murray, Q.Woods,
DAK #2, and DAK #6
DAK receives S.Marbury, R.Wallace, B.Bowen,
J.Bender, J.Sampson,
and ANC #2
* All 9 Whi games (walwhi
game autoplayed by Charles)
* All 9 Mil games (walmil
game autoplayed by Charles)
* valhar39 (see below)
Scott did not play any of his q1 or q2 games,
league status to be decided;
Ed noticed that in the
player profile (from a previously imported Mil gpl) Mil
had Gasol with 18 minutes in the fatigue grid at SF and
Charles then pointed
out that Gasol played some of a recent milsun game at
SF, since Gasol is
not eligible to play SF this can only be construed as,
at best, a mistake by
Scott has been disqualified from further
participation in the league
Donald had thought that he had previously
sent this result but it is past the
5/13 deadline and
unfortunately I am not able to accept the result so it will be
autoplayed; both the played (not accepted) and autoplayed games
were won
by Har
AaronK has indicated that with the 5/13 q2
game result deadline approaching
he will not be able to continue in the league: “work is kicking my butt lately, and
I am pulling 13 hour days
with regualrity the past 3 months. Couple that with
my computer never wanting to agree with me, and I am
just fried on the whole
online game thing”
In home games against val,
Dak had home court advantage
(Jason had had problems with his PC and
re-installed the game without re-applying the patch, this was
noticed when
Jason noticed A.Davis at PG
as indicated below). Sundak38 and
are handled below and are not included in the remainder
of this note.
5/11 The EC voted 2-0 (Ed and Rick) that the
results will stand (even though
some of these had not yet been imported) but that val,
will have home court in their next home game against dak.
In this game Jason saw Antonio Davis playing
PG and pointed this out when
sending the result file.
Ed looked at the nor gpl closely and found that A.Davis
should not have played PG at all. Jason indicated that he likely used the wrong
league file from q1 after re-installing sombkw and not
applying the patch (see
above) and that wrong league file didn’t have Boykins on
Jason offered to replay the game (which had
been won by dak) as clearly
nor’s roster was not correct.
5/13 update:
Jason had thought that the EC would rule on this issue (Jason
had offered to replay the game and when Ed indicated
that Jason should let
him know if he would like the EC to rule there was no
response to that specific
issue) but now that the EC rulings have been made (see
issue above and below)
Jason does not have time to
play the game before the deadline of 5/13 evening;
Ed has extended the deadline
to 5/16 for only this game and sundak38 due to the
EC’s delay
(caused by Ed) in ruling on those issues.
Charles/Sun looked at the boxscore of this
result played by Jason/Dak and
well within the 24 hour time limit for game protests pointed
out that E.Griffin
should have played 24+ minutes but only played 11; Ed
verified that Charles’
gpl should have used E.Griffin for 24+ minutes and with
no fouls that was not
a problem, it appears that for some reason Croshere
received many of
E.Griffin’s minutes. This game was won by dak.
5/11 The EC voted 3-0 (Ed, Rick, and Brian)
that the game needs to be replayed
as Charles pointed out the problem within the 24 hour
time period and the EC
agreed that not only was there something unexplainable
going on with E.Griffin
but also Dak had the home court advantage (see above).
5/13 update:
just as with nordak37 above the deadline for this game result has
been extended to 5/16.
While playing this game Jason/Dak noticed that
A.Davis played some at PG; in
later looking at the gpl there is no way that
Jason believes that he had
the wrong league zip file which had Boykins on the
wrong team causing this error; Jason won the game; Jason
has offered to play
the game again, Ed has responded that this seems the
only fair thing to do but
if Jason would like the EC to decide that would be no
to my e-mail of
4/16; I have auto-created all Whi gpl’s except whiwal30 which was
created by Charles
and all are posted on the web site. When
I hear from AaronK
I will post an update here.
10 days, and got some leagues confused. I thought I had already sent this
and his laptop
cannot load sombkw (since there is no longer a key disk) and
he will not be able
to create the gpl’s by the deadline today.
I have requested
that Rick keep me
up-to-date with the situation and almost certainly no later
than 4/21 I will
auto-create the gpl’s if the situation is not resolved.
Scott indicated that despite the recent time
crunches he has had (and
especially the issues he had with first quarter gpl’s and
games) he will be
fully participating in the league for the remainder of the
JJ/Ind apparently sent to Greg/Val a game
result (won by Val) for valind19 on
the e-mail JJ said he sent to Greg) on 3/29 after the
3/28 deadline and after a few
league-wide e-mails were sent regarding missed game
results. Since the result
was received after the deadline the game cannot be
accepted and will be
autoplayed near
Jeff/Anc sent a file a few days
ago which, I found out after importing
it, contains a gfl for game ancmil01 (even though all
of the other files in minanc06
.zip were
for game minanc06). Jeff has since sent
another file minanc06 which
imported fine as game minanc06.
Scott/Mil has sent today game result but sombkw will not allow me
to import it because the result is already in the
game. Anc won the game which
was played by Scott (the proper game) while Mil won the
game which was imported
from the file Jeff sent me (the incorrect game).
I don’t believe that sombkw has the option to
re-import just the one game and it
is not an option to start the league over and (re-unzip
and) re-import 170+ results.
The EC has voted 4-0-2 (with Ed, Charles,
Brian, and Dale voting for while Rick
and Jason appear to have discussed the future with no exact
vote cast) to take no
action in this case.
The file sent by Jeff caused the problem and this accident had
the biggest penalty to Jeff and with no viable option to
re-import the gfl the result
of Mil winning will stand.
In the imported gfl: For Anc Marbury and M.Blount played when they
have and for Mil Artest and Massenburg played when they
shouldn’t have. There
are no more ancmil games the rest of the season so by a
3-0 EC vote (Charles,
Jason, and Ed) in the next
milanc game which is milanc27 all 4 players will be
set as ineligible.
The web page rosters have been updated with this information.
There had been no word from Scott/MIL all
quarter (including the gpl deadline
of 3/13) until today the game result deadline in which
all home game results
were sent (with no other word). It appears that most or all of the home games
were autoplayed as the file dates/times are within a few
minutes of each other.
Files will be imported in 24
hours per league rules, no issue there. An
was sent to Scott requesting an explanation and an
indication of what the future
will hold as a coach running a team on autopilot (missing
gpl deadlines and/or
autoplaying home games) is not the way the league operates. See
entry above for the resolution of this issue.
AaronK/Whi sent me two files and
both contain boxscores for
game milwhi19 with different results (both won by
Mil). I have e-mailed AaronK
cc to Scott) asking what went on here but it is likely that I will use the one
containing the earlier game file date/time unless AaronK has
further information.
With replies from AaronK on other subjects
but no reply on this one the game
with the earlier file time (nearly
accepted result.
Both of these were received with no boxscore
(but with play accounts). AaronK
was notified about this and it was likely that when
creating the play account he
accidentally overwrote the boxscore by calling them the same
to find the davwhi20 boxscore.
This file didn’t work so on 3/20 JJ/Ind sent
to AaronL and me a replacement
gpl and I posted this in the replacement
Charles pointed out that Dickerson’s days
missed list is not quite a correct
conversion of the games missed list; this is true and has been
changed on
the rosters (only 2nd quarter games are
Scott did not send any MIL gpl’s by the 3/13
deadline and there has been
no response so far to an e-mail sent on 3/14; all gpl’s
have been created
by let computer set lineups (after setting all
defensive profile settings of
every opponent to 0) and posted 3/15 evening.
When looking at a Nor
home boxscore Ed realized that the fatigue level
was listed which implied that Kyle had not applied the
v1.01c patch –
Kyle verified that this is
the case and on 3/7 applied the patch – which
meant that Kyle had home court advantage (and a few other
addressed by the patch) in games so far: indnor01 (won by Nor), bronor04
by Nor), harnor05 (won by Har), and walnor07 (won by Wal) with the
first two having already been imported when the issue was
The EC agreed 7-0 (Ed, Rick, Charles, Brian,
Dale, Jason, and Jeff) that
for the two games won by Nor the opposing teams will use
the home
court advantage setting in their next home game against
The EC voted 4-2 (Rick, Jeff, Brian, and
Jason affirmative; Charles and
Dale negative; Ed abstained
due to being directly involved in the matter)
that for the two games lost by Nor the opposing teams
will use the home
court advantage setting in their next home game against
An e-mail was sent to JJ, Nigel, Donald, Ed,
and Kyle (with cc to the EC)
indicating that for games norhar29, norbro32, and norind51 the
team will use the home court advantage setting. Wal does not play any
more home games this season against Nor so the EC was
asked by Ed
to rule on that issue but due to receiving only one
response (Charles
voting that there should be no action taken as consistent
with his vote in
the previous paragraph) the issue is dropped no contest
with no ruling.
Jeff realized that in most of his first
quarter away gpl’s e-mailed to the
league on 3/8 he had accidentally had Kittles in the lineup
when he should
not have been so on 3/10 Jeff sent out a replacement set
of gpl’s.
Charles realized that in 4 games he had
M.Baston incorrectly playing C
(Baston is not eligible to
play C) for approximately 6 minutes each game:
sunmin07, sunhar09,
sundav12, and davsun13; Sun lost each of those
games; Charles sent a replacement group of gameplans and
those with outstanding games (sunval06, sunmin08, and
sunlak14) to
please use the replacement gameplans while the main web
page was
updated with a notice about this.
The EC voted 5-0 (Ed, Brian, Dale, Rick, and
Jason) that since Charles
brought up the error himself and the games were lost no
penalties or
adjustments will be made.
Tim realized that in his away gameplans he
assigned Oyedeji too many
season minutes and he would likely be overused so Tim sent
a replacement
group of gameplans and e-mailed those with outstanding
games to please
use the replacement gameplans while the main web page
was updated
with a notice about this.
Gasol NONE
Bradley 54
Lynch 14
Kidd 15-16
Artest 1-13
Ward 17-32
1-39; 72-82
Mutumbo 25-82
TAW 15-82
Ho Grant
1-51; 57-82
Amaechi, John 2-16,23-29, 65-82
Battier, Shane 3-6
Collins, Jarron 2-6,
11-15, 23-72
Curry, Eddy 1
Daniels, Antonio 8-10,
Harris, Lucius 11-15
Humphrey, Ryan 1,7-10,16-55, 72-82
Johnson, Joe
LaFrentz, Raef 30-42
McInnis, Jeff 23-29
O'Neal, Jermaine 7-10,16
Rush, Kareem 17-22
Traylor, Robert 43-55
Turkoglu, Hedo 56-70
Wilcox, Chris 1-6,
11-15, 17-22, 56-64, 73-82
Wilks, Mike 1-2,7,16-22,30-71
Miller, Andre 80
Carter, Anthony 49 39-40, 52-82
Rakocevic, Igor 42 1, 4-38, 42-45
Jones, Damon 49
4-29, 45-51
Jones, Eddie 47
White, Rodney 72
Curry, Michael 78
Williams, Monty 21
1-3, 25-82
Kukoc, Toni 63
Divac, Vlade 80
Duncan, Tim 81 1
Dalembert, S.
0 1-82
Walker, Samaki 67
Gadzuric, Dan 49
Oyedeji, Olumide 27
25-45, 49-82
Abdur-Rahim 73
R. Alston 1-29,60-65
C. Crawford 1-69,75-82
D. Ham 45-51
T. Hardaway 1-29,40-82
M. Harpring 69-72
E. Johnson 52-64
C. Mobley 36-44
M. Moore 1-74
S. Nash 0
S. Pollard 1-59
A. Sabonis 65-68
O. Torres 1-29,45-68,71-82
D. Stevenson 62-82
B. Wallace 74-82
J. Williams 30-35
1 Jamaal
2 Scott Padgett
3 Alan Henderson
4 John Stockton
5 Howard Eisley
The above 5 all miss no games
6 Sean Rooks to miss(12)Games 1-12
7 Jerome James (31) 11-41
8 Loren Woods (44) 39-82
9 Karl Malone
(1) 42
10 Andre Kirilenko (2) 59 and 60
11 Pat
(1) 61
12 Wally Szczerbiak (30) 11-40
13 Emanual Ginobili (13) 1-13
14 Wesley Person (16) 41-56
15 Jannero Pargo (48) 1-48
16 Kenny Satterfield (43) 40-82
Carter 32-70
Forte 1-27, 33-70
Hill 18-70
Hunter 1-49
Lampley 1-47
Long 1-10, 51-81
Morris 50-82
O'Neal 51-65
Ostertag 50
Payton 30-31
Thomas 6-49
Tsakalidas 1-49
Vaughn 28-29
Wells 11-17
Williams 71-81
Collins 81
Harrington 72 (64-71)
Thomas 66
Knight 32 (1) (13-20)
(34-65) (73-81)
Jamison 82
Dunleavy 82
47 (48-82)
Norris 82
B. Jackson 59 (48-70)
Lenard 63
Coles 35
Arroyo 44
(1-12) (21-28) (30-47)
Jeffries 20
Barry 25-31
Maceo Baston 17-82
Calvin Booth 22-56
Jamison Brewer 1-5,9-24,32-82
Kwame Brown 15-16
Austin Croshere 1-5,15-21,62-82
Michael Dickerson 1-8,12-21,25-82
Eddie Griffin 1-5
Richard Jefferson 23-24
Brevin Knight 32-58
Shawn Marion 22
Brad Miller 6-14
Zach Randolph 17-21
John Salmons 1-11,15-18,32-34
Damon Stoudamire 59-81
Nikoloz Tskitishvili 82
59 19-37,50-53
K.Cato 73 74-82
R.Davis 79 47-49
J.Foster 77 1-5
P.Hardaway 58 1-24
D.Harvey 77 69-73
R.Patterson 78 50-53
G.Wallace 47 25-49,70-79
C.Webber 67 54-68
D.Wesley 73 38-46
J.Welsch 37 23-42,54-68,70,74-82
F.Williams 21 1-3,6-14,19-22,25-37,50-70,72-82
50 25-35,54-71,80-82
J.Moiso 51 1-18,38-49,69
R.Pack 28 1-37,50-53,69,71-82
C.Oakley 42 10-18,36-53,70-82
= game 1
= games 1-13
= games 1-27
= games 1-31
= games 2-16
= games 14-50
= games 17-31
= games 18-82
= games 32-74
Marbury 1
Watson 2-4
S. 5-8
Brown 33-82
Bowen 0
Wallace 2-9
Blount 1
Stewart, M.
1-25; 52-82
Arenas: 0
Cardinal: 1-18, 22-38, 41-82
Chandler: 32-38
Claxton: 1-18, 41-46, 55-82
Maggette: 1-18
Miles: 63-77
Ming: 0
Odom: 22-54
Okur: 22-31
Pierce: 19-21
Redd: 0
Robinson: 1-18
Van Horn: 55-62
Woods: 19-21, 32-38, 41-54, 78-82
B. Davis
11-26 and 51-66
C. Williamson none
J. Terry 36
G. Trent 1-2
B. Outlaw 57-58
A. Mckie 34-35
M. Jackson 12-16
R. Nestorovich 40-44
D. Glover 67-72
R. Evans 17-31
M. Ely 3-11 and 45-65
H. Davis 44-82
T. Prince 1-40
V. Potapenko 27-82
D. Brown 11-82
C. Childs 1-70
(81) - 12
(82) -
Murphy (79)
- 33-35
(82) -
Baker (50)
- 36-82
Mihm (50) -
(81) - 17
George (71)
- 1-11
(80) - 31-32
James (78)
- 13-16
(66) - 1-11, 78-82
Jones (19)
- 1-11, 31-82
(14) - 12-82
Brezec (22)
- 1-52, 75-82
(22) - 1-30, 53-82
Fisher 1-82 , misses none
Kevin Ollie 1-82, misses none
DMason 1-12, 15-82, misses games 13 and 14
CBillups 1-4, 13-82, misses games 5-12
R Brunson 66-82, misses 1-65
MJaric 1-66, misses 67-82
TBrown 1-15, misses 16-82
QRichardson 24-82, misses 1-23
Ratliff 2-82, misses game 1
McCoy 1-67, misses games 68-82
JWhite 1, 68-82, misses games 2-67
DNowitzki 1-2, 5-82 , misses games 3 and 4
TThomas 1-14, 17-82 , misses games 15,16
BSimmons 1-36, misses games 37-82
Boozer 1, 3-82, misses game 2
AHarrington 1-82 , misses none
Brand -
Boykins - 69-82
Christie - 1-2
Davis - 42-70
Iverson - UL
Miller - 52-68
Parker - UL
Radmanovic - 16-25
Stojakovic - 12-21
Swift - 1-15
Van Exel - 3-11
Gooden - 71-82
Fizer - 26-69
Nailon - 39-82
Wang - 16-57
Fowlkes - 38-82
tinsley 1-9
crawford 10, 11
kobe NONE
Atkins 12-28
House 29-55
Yarbrough 56-78
Allen 79-80
Illgaukaus 82
Camby 1-53
Smith 54-81
marks 1-55, 79-82
doleac 1-7
slater 24-83
Robinson 8-25
Murray miss ALL i have to do this otherwise I have more than 12 active guys
during the ganmes he plays
S Anderson none
ANC receives Kenyon Martin and VAL #2
VAL receives Quentin Richardson, ANC #1, and
LAK #1
With each team having an
opportunity to cut a player and pick up a
player from the
remaining rookie/free-agent pool Jeff/ANC picked
up Michael Stewart
and cut Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje.
The following players’
overusage from last season (see last season’s
news link for
details) will be adjusted this season with 7-0 approval
by the EC (6-1 approval
on the last of these three with Rick preferring
Simmons be chosen
over McCoy):
HAR J.Magliore 1626/1678mins -- minutes
reduced by 52x2=104 this
VAL B.Sundov 92/107 -- J.McCoy's minutes
reduced by 15x2=30 this
LAK receives Bonzi Wells
ANC receives Quentin Richardson and next
year’s LAK #1
while Jeff, Charles,
Jason, Dale, Rick, Brian, and Ed felt that the
deal is slightly
one-sided against new league member Tim (when
considering the
future of both players involved) we felt that the deal
was small enough
(and close enough) to not want to disallow the
trade which is
consistent with draft picks Tim has made to try to
go deep into the
playoffs this season
NOR receives Earl Boykins and next year’s
DAK receives next year’s
SUN receives Eddie Griffin and VAL #2
VAL receives Jelani McCoy and SUN #1
The following players have
been added into the rookie/free-agent pool
Sam Mitchell*, Brian Stith*
VAL = Samaki Walker, Courtney Alexander,
Bruno Sundov, Reggie Slater, Amal
McCaskill, Joel Pryzbilla
DAK = Tyronn Lue, Loren Woods, Anthony
Carter, Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje,
Antonio McDyess*
WHI = Emanual Davis, Michael Dickerson,
Joseph Forte, Tremaine Fowlkes,
Tom Gugliotta, Avery Johnson, Scott
Padgett, Jeff Trepagnier
NOR = Dalibor Bagarich, Jason Collier, Keon
Clark, Michael Doleac, Lee Nailon
LAK = Steven Hunter, Olumide Oyedeji, Glen
Rice, Mookie Blaylock*, Obinna
Ekezie*, John Wallace*
HAR = Austin Croshere,
James, Grant Long
ANC = Michael Olowokandi, Dan Langhi, Sean
Marks, Rod Strickland, Hedo
Turkoglu, Derrick Dial*
DAV = Jason Caffey, Bimbo Coles, Keith
Haston, Ansu Sesay, Bobby Simmons,
Michael Stewart, George McCloud*
Rafer Alston, Vitaly Potapenko, Jake Tsakalidis, Jahidi White, Chris Whitney
WAL = Keyon Dooling, Jermaine Jackson, Popeye
Jones, Dean Garrett*, Michael
LEX = Jerome Moiso, Mark Jackson, Marcus
Fizer, Speedy Claxton, Nazr Mohammed,
Ron Mercer
MIL (no e-mail received so taking the list
off the forum) = Chris Crawford, Mikki Moore,
* = did not play in the NBA
last year, were not added into the rookie/free-agent pool
Andrew has decided several days after the
draft that this league is not for him so
his team will be added into the expansion pool for next
season; this does not
cause a problem for the league since the season schedule
has not been created;
Andrew’s concern is that
league members are more fired up than he is but I have
asked Andrew to reconsider as there are many in the league
who simply draft and
play games and if Andrew is still interested then his
team is available until the
draft begins
SUN receives
WHI receives Marcus Camby
MLL receives Danny Fortson and WHI #2
ANC receives Kerry Kittles
NOR receives
Mark has decided a few days after the draft
that this league is not for him so
his team will be added into the expansion pool for next
season; this does not
cause a problem for the league since the season schedule
has not been created
DAK receives David Robinson
BRO receives Raef LaFrentz
LAK receives
DAV receives Ervin Johnson
WAL receives DAV #3
DAK receives Kevin Garnett
MLL receives Stephen Jackson, DAK #1, and DAK
This deal was disallowed by a vote of 6-0 by
the EC. In short, it was unanimously
felt that while
the league and considering his versatility and dominance
may be the top player in
the league with all factors considered (including youth,
of course).
someday a top 5 type player but at the current time is not
there and there's no reason
to feel certain that he will get there.
It is also felt that S.Jackson is a
fill-in player and a high 2nd round pick is usually
also a fill-in player with some slight potential for
success. Both are worth some
small amount but not nearly enough to fill in the gap
our view the trade would clearly hurt the team trading
away Garnett and thus hurt the
league as a result.
The above EC ruling was written by Ed as a
representation of votes from Charles, Jeff,
Ed, Brian,
Dale, and Rick.
Charles ran the expansion draft with 6 new
league members: Tim/TEX, Andrew/MLL,
Nigel/BRO, AaronL/TEM,
Mark/CAV, and Ned/MIN (in that first round order) drafting
against 5 computer-controlled teams (which drafted last in
each round).
ANC receives Rod Strickland
MIL receives MIL #1
MIL receives Jason Kidd, Dikembe Mutombo, WHI
#3, WHI #4, and WHI #5
WHI receives Jamaal Tinsley, Jamal Crawford,
Scott Padgett, Zydrunas Ilgauskus,
MIL #2, and SUN #2
MIL receives Alonzo Mourning
ANC receives MIL #1
LAK receives Grant Hill
DAK receives LAK #1
ANC receives Shammond Williams and VAL #3
VAL receives Derek Fisher and ANC #3
ANC receives Bonzi Wells
DAK receives Raef LaFrentz and ANC #1
Jeff changes his team name from
Strat-O-Matic is very late with the new
windows version of the computer game
so the season will delay as necessary but trading will
be allowed by popular
request of current league members