New expansion players will draft from the following pool in September or October of 1998. There will be 10 rounds each consisting of 10 picks. New coaches will draft against each other at the beginning of each round with the computer drafting to fill out the 10 picks at the end of each round. After this each expansion coach will participate in the rookie draft containing the rookie class of Tim Duncan from which he or she will draft four more players; expansion coaches will have the middle of 24 picks in the first round of the rookie draft. For further details please contact me. SOMIBA EXPANSION POOL -- 7/5/98 Minutes Minutes Games Allowed per gam Pos "Abdul-Rau, M." 75 2238 30 12 "Allen, R." 82 2659 32 21 "Anderson, C." 82 1742 21 54 "Anderson, N." 63 2271 36 23 "Anthony, G." 65 1956 30 12 "Armstrong, B." 49 1071 22 21 "Armstrong, D." 67 1061 16 1 "Askew, V." 43 880 20 32 "Baker, V." 78 3317 43 45 "Bogues, T." 65 1974 30 1 "Brooks, S." 38 264 7 1 "Brown, C." 70 795 11 43 "Brown, D." 21 548 26 21 "Bryant, M." 41 1069 26 54 "Bullard, M." 71 1076 15 34 "Cage, M." 82 1309 16 54 "Caldwell, A." 45 597 13 54 "Camby, M." 63 1992 32 453 "Campbell, E." 77 2642 34 45 "Carr, A." 82 1533 19 45 "Cassell, S." 61 1800 30 1 "Ceballos, C." 50 1497 30 34 "Chapman, R." 65 1925 30 324 "Cheaney, C." 79 2532 32 23 "Chilcutt, P." 54 695 13 54 "Coles, B." 51 1242 24 1 "Conlon, M." 74 1695 23 54 "Corbin, T." 70 2420 35 34 "Cummings, T." 45 869 19 45 "Curry, M." 81 1278 16 32 "Day, T." 81 2391 30 23 "Del Negro, V." 72 2355 33 21 "Douglas, S." 79 2432 31 1 "Dudley, C." 81 1932 24 54 "Dumars, J." 79 3069 39 1 "Edney, T." 70 1445 21 1 "Edwards, B." 61 1511 25 32 "Edwards, K." 32 501 16 21 "Ehlo, C." 62 890 14 32 "Elie, M" 78 2821 36 23 "Ferrell, D." 62 1171 19 32 "Ferry, D." 82 2765 34 45 "Foster, G." 79 966 12 54 "Geiger, M." 49 1096 22 54 "Gilliam, A." 80 2153 27 543 "Goldwire, A." 60 1247 21 12 "Grant, Ho." 67 2621 39 435 "Hammonds, T." 81 1846 23 543 "Hardaway, T." 81 3293 41 1 "Harris, L." 54 854 16 21 "Hawkins, H." 82 2893 35 21 "Herrera, C." 75 1929 26 453 "Hornacek, J." 82 2722 33 21 "Howard, S." 49 439 9 435 "Hunter, L." 82 3174 39 21 "Jackson, Ja." 75 1190 16 213 "Jackson, Ji." 77 2973 39 23 "Jackson, M." 82 3207 39 12 "James, H." 53 992 19 34 "Johnson, Ed." 51 959 19 324 "Johnson, L." 76 2744 36 34 "Kersey, J." 70 1854 26 34 "Kittles, K." 82 3163 39 12 "Kleine, J." 59 890 15 54 "Laettner, C." 82 3297 40 45 "Lang, Andrew" 52 1254 24 54 "Long, G." 65 1224 19 435 "Longley, L." 59 1546 26 54 "Mack, S." 52 949 18 32 "Majerle, D." 36 1327 37 23 "Maloney, M." 82 2505 31 1 "Mason, A." 79 3300 42 435 "Massenbur, T." 79 2052 26 45 "Maxwell, V." 72 2171 30 231 "Mayberry, L." 80 2050 26 1 "McDaniel, X." 62 1229 20 34 "McKey, D." 50 1521 30 34 "McMillan, N." 37 838 23 123 "Meyer, L." 54 743 14 54 "Miller, O." 61 1210 20 54 "Miller, R." 81 3114 38 23 "Mills, C." 80 3325 42 34 "Minor, G." 23 574 25 23 "Mitchell, S." 82 2146 26 43 "Montross, E." 78 1919 25 54 "Morris, C." 73 1026 14 32 "Murray, L." 74 1360 18 324 "Newbill, I." 72 893 12 54 "Newman, J." 82 2163 26 23 "OBannon, E." 64 849 13 432 "Oakley, C." 80 3017 38 45 "Overton, D." 61 666 11 1 "Owens, B." 66 2095 32 34 "Parks, C." 76 1009 13 54 "Perkins, S." 81 2075 26 54 "Phills, B." 69 2494 36 213 "Pierce, R." 60 1313 22 23 "Polynice, O." 82 3038 37 54 "Price, B." 25 410 16 12 "Radja, D." 25 918 37 54 "Reeves, B." 75 2916 39 54 "Rice, G." 79 3530 45 324 "Richardso, P." 59 1118 19 1 "Richmond, M." 81 3281 41 23 "Rider, I." 76 2691 35 21 "Roberts, S." 18 397 22 5 "Robinson, Ch." 42 715 17 21 "Robinson, Cl." 81 3231 40 345 "Robinson, G." 80 3270 41 34 "Robinson, R." 54 533 10 1 "Rodman, D." 55 2044 37 453 "Rogers, Rodne" 81 2604 32 34 "Rogers, Roy" 82 1940 24 45 "Rooks, S." 69 772 11 54 "Scott, By." 79 1512 19 2 "Scott, D." 66 2274 34 324 "Sealy, M" 80 2579 32 21 "Shaw, B." 77 1960 25 12 "Smith, K." 48 803 17 21 "Smith, T." 69 1356 20 12 "Stewart, L." 70 1031 15 34 "Stith, B." 52 1877 36 23 "Stockton, J." 82 3041 37 1 "Stricklan, E." 27 797 30 21 "Thompson, B." 67 1108 17 12 "Thorpe, O." 79 2794 35 45 "Threatt, S." 21 351 17 12 "Walker, A." 82 3119 38 4531 "Wallace, J." 68 826 12 34 "Weathersp, C." 82 3096 38 43 "Wenningto, B." 61 822 13 54 "West, D." 68 2016 30 23 "West, M." 70 1007 14 54 "Whitney, C." 82 1173 14 1 "Wilkins, D." 63 2042 32 34 "Wilkins, G." 80 2312 29 23 "Williams, Bu." 74 1571 21 543 "Williams, E." 72 2557 36 43 "Williams, S." 62 1383 22 54 "Workman, H." 4 85 21 1 Note that players who did not play in the NBA last year (i.e., 0 games) are not eligible to be drafted in any draft.